Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do You Remember The Day......

......You Got The Diagnosis?

 Was it a relief?  Thank goodness! I knew I was not imagining it!

 Was it a shock? No way! Not my child!

  I remember it like it was yesterday. It was like someone had finally listened to what I was saying, and more importantly, to what my son was saying. He was having a routine physical for school but there was nothing routine about it. The doctor was running several hours behind due to an emergency. I had always schedualed his appointments for a certin time of day when I knew we would not have a long wait because he would start to melt down after a while. You say to yourself, well thats normal for any young child, but he was not a young child. He was about 11 at the time, he should have been able to sit there and entertain himself for a couple of hours, but he couldn't. By the time we finally got to see the doctor she got to see first hand what I had been trying to explain to her for months. He was agitated, he could not sit still, he couldn't concentrate long enough to answer simple questions he was being asked by the doctor, oh and don't forget the paranoia! He had been in a doctors office with sick people for hours so he was convinced he was dying of whatever else all the other kids had! At the time the bird flu was that latest disease on the news so he was FULL  of questions about that he even tried to convince her that he had it!!
  Well after his doctor finished the check up we were fixing to leave and I jokingly made a comment about him having ADHD and she looked at me like my head had just popped off my body and I was jumping around like a chicken. She asked us to come back in the office and starting going through his chart frantically. Thats when it happened, she looked at me strangly and said you mean no one has ever told you your son has ADHD?  What? Excuse me? ADHD No, no one has told me this before. She sat down on her little rolly stool and said WOW I just assumed since he has been in therapy for all this time they would have told you his diagnosis.

  What? His DIAGNOSIS?  Yes ma'am your son has ADHD, I assumed thats was why he was in therapy. You see my son had been in therapy for some time by this point because he was having trouble in school, had become violent, was having panic attacks, and horrable mood swings. I just figured it was due to the divorce and the abuse. This was the begining of the revolving door of therapists! (but thats a whole other discussion)

  Looking back there had always been signs "symptoms"  I just didn't realize it. It all made since, EVERYTING MADE SINCE, it was like someone had flipped a switch.

  We went home from that appointment with a new perscription and Alot  of reading to do, but with a new perspective on the whole situation.

  My sons not a brat, hes sick! WOW!

What was your diagnosis experiance? Was at a relief as in my situation?

Please leave a comment and share your experiance.....